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  1. Krasheninnikova Yu. S., Loupian E.A., Zaslavsky G.M., Moiseev S.S., Sharkov E.A. Fractal Analysis of the Pre-hurricane Atmosphere from Satellite Data // 27 th Plenary Meeting of the COSPAR. 19-29 July. 1988. Abs-tract. Finland. Espoo., 1988. P. 304.
  2. Krasheninnikova Yu. S., Loupian E.A., Sharkov E.A. Determination of Dinamical Characteristics of Wind Flows from Temperature Variations ar the upper Cloud Boundary // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1350., 1988. 16 p.
  3. Loupian E.A. Reconstructing the Angular Energy Distribution in the 2D-Spectrum of the Rough Sea Surface from its Optical Imagery // Earth Research from Space. 1988. № 3. P. 31-35.
  4. Bartalev S.A., Breido M.D. Entry of Photo Images into an Interactive Processing: Correction of Spatial and Temporal Distortions // Earth Research from Space. 1988. № 2. P. 83-89.
  5. Rutkevich P.B., Sagdeev R.Z., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Nonlinear Dynamic Theory of the a-effect in Compressible Fluid // Preprint IKI №1468, 1988. 17 p.
  6. Zimin V.D., Levina G.V., Moiseev S.S., Startsev S.E., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V. Generation of Large-scale Vertexes in the Rotating Stratified Layer Heated from Below // “Problems of the Stratified Flows” Edition Salaspils, 1988. Т. 2. P. 17-20.
  7. Moiseev S.S., Oganyan K.R., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V. Influence of the Moisture Phase Transitions on the Large-scale Vortexes Generation in the Stratified Turbulent Atmosphere // “Problems of the Stratified Flows” Edition Salaspils, 1988. Т.2. P. 37-40.
  8. Moiseev S.S., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Vortical Dynamo in Stratified Environment with Helical Turbulence // “Problems of the Stratified Flows” Edition Salaspils, 1988. Т. 2. P. 204-206.
  9. Moiseev S.S., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Vortex Dynamo in a Convective Medium with Helical Turbulence // Journal of Experimental and Teoretical Physics. 1988. Т. 94. Вып. 2. P. 144-153.
  10. Moiseev S.S., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Vortical Dynamo in Stratified Convective Environment with Spiral Turbulence // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1383, 1988. 23 p.
  11. Moiseev S.S., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Wave Turbulent and Vortex Dynamo. // In Book Plasma Theory and Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics. Edited by Bar’yaktar et al. World Scientific. Singapore New Jersey, 1988. P. 298-323.
  12. Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Interaction of Surface and Internal Waves in Final Depth Stratified Ocean // Congress of the Soviet Oceanologists. Section “Physics and Ocean Chemistry”. Wind, Internal and Tidal waves, Tsunami Waves. L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1987. P. 157-158.
  13. Moiseev S.S., Sagdeev R.Z., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. On a Possible Excitation Mechanism of Large-scale Vortices in Atmosphere // Tropical meteorology. Proceedings of III Intenational Symposium. L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1987. P. 18-28.
  14. Moiseev S.S., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Large-scale Vortices of Nonlinear Topology in a Turbulent Convection Proceedings International Conference Plasma Physics Kiev. USSR. 6-12 April, 1987. Vol. 2. P. 75-79.
  15. Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Internal Wave-Surface Wave Interaction in a Continuously Strarified Ocean. // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1143, 1987. 36 p.
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