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Автор: Шабанов Н.В.
  1. Konstantinjva B., Hu J., Zhang P., Huang D., Shabanov N.V., Weiss M., Knyazikhin Y., Myneni R.B. Validation of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Leaf Area Index Product in Croplands of Alpilles, France // Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, doi: 10.1029/2004JD004860. 2004. Vol.110. D01107. P. 1-16.
  2. Shabanov N.V., Wang Y., Buermann W., Dong J., Hoffman S., Smith G., Tian Y., Knyazikhin Y., Myneni R.B. Effect of Foliage Spatial Heterogeneity in the Validation of MODIS LAI and FPAR Algorithm over Broadleaf Forests // Remote Sensing of Environment. 2003. Vol. 85. No. 4. P. 410-423.
  3. Hu J., Konstantinjva B., Shabanov N.V., Crean K.A., Martonchik J.V., Diner D.J., Knyazikhin Y., Myneni R.B. Performance of the MISR LAI and FPAR Algorithm: A Case Study in Africa // Remote Sensing of Environment. 2003. Vol. 88. P. 324-340.
  4. Kaufmann R.K., Zhou L., Myneni R.B., Tucker C.J., Slayback D., Shabanov N.V., Pinzon J. The effect of vegetation on surface temperature: A statistical analysis of NDVI and climate data // Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2003GL018251. 2003. Vol. 30. No 22. 2147. P. 1-3.
  5. Kaufmann R.K., Zhou L., Tucker C.J., Slayback D., Shabanov N.V., Myneni R.B. Reply to Comment by M. Lanfredi et al. to “Variations in Northern Vegetation Activity Inferred from Satellite Data of Vegetation Index During 1981–1999” by L. Zhou et al. // Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, doi: 10.1029/2002JD003287. 2003. Vol. 108. No D12. 4347. P. 1-5.
  6. Kotchenova S., Shabanov N.V., Knyazikhin Y., Davis A.B., Dubayah R., Myneni R.B. Modeling Lidar Waveforms with Time-Dependent Stochastic Radiative Transfer Theory for Remote Estimates of Forest Structure // Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere. 2003. Vol. 108. No D15. 4484. P. 1-13.
  7. Morisette J.T., Nickeson J., Davis A.B., Wang Y., Tian Y., Woodcock C.E., Shabanov N.V., Hansen M., Cohen W., Oetter D.R., Kennedy R.E. The Use of NASA's Commercial Data Purchase Program in Support of MODIS Land Validation // Remote Sensing of Environment. 2003. Vol. 88(1-2). P. 100-110.
  8. Shabanov N.V., Zhou L., Knyazikhin Y., Tucker C.J., Myneni R.B. Analysis of Interannual Changes in Northern Vegetation Activity Observed in AVHRR Data During 1981 to 1994 // IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2002. Vol. 40. No. 1. P. 115-130.
  9. Kaufmann R.K., Zhou L., Tucker C.J., Slayback D., Shabanov N.V., Myneni R.B. Reply to Comment on “Variations in Northern Vegetation Activity Inferred from Satellite Data of Vegetation Index During 1981–1999” by J. R. Ahlbeck // Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, doi: 10.1029/2001JD001516. 2002. vol. 107(D11). P. 1-3.
  10. Tian Y., Woodcock C.E., Wang Y., Privette J., Shabanov N.V., Zhou L., Zhang Y., Buermann W., Dong J., Veikkanen B., Hame T., Anderson K., Ozdogan M., Knyazikhin Y., Myneni R.B. Multiscale Analysis and Validation of the MODIS LAI Product over Maun, Botswana. I. Uncertainty Assessment // Remote Sensing of Environment. 2002. Vol. 83. P. 414-430.
  11. Tian Y., Woodcock C.E., Wang Y., Privette J., Shabanov N.V., Zhou L., Zhang Y., Buermann W., Dong J., Veikkanen B., Hame T., Anderson K., Ozdogan M., Knyazikhin Y., Myneni R.B. Multiscale Analysis and Validation of the MODIS LAI Product over Maun, Botswana. II. Sampling Strategy // Remote Sensing of Environment. 2002. Vol. 83. P. 431-441.
  12. Zhang Y., Shabanov N.V., Knyazikhin Y., Myneni R.B. Assessing Information Content of Multiangle Satellite Data for Mapping Biomes. II Theory // Remote Sensing of Environment. 2002. Vol. 80. P. 435-446.
  13. Zhou L., Tucker C.J., Kaufmann R.K., Slayback D., Shabanov N.V., Myneni R.B. Variations in Northern Vegetation Activity Inferred from Satellite data of Vegetation Index during 1981 to 1999 // Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere. 2001. Vol. 106. No. D17. P. 20,069-20,083.
  14. Shabanov N.V., Knyazikhin Y., Baret F., Myneni R.B. Stochastic Modeling of Radiation Regime in Discontinuous Vegetation Canopies // Remote Sensing of Environment. 2000. Vol. 74. No. 1. P. 125-144.
  15. Kaufmann R.K., Zhou L., Knyazikhin Y., Shabanov N.V., Myneni R.B., Tucker C.J. Effect of Orbital Drift and Sensor Changes on the Time Series of AVHRR Vegetation Index Data // Transactions on Geoscience Remote Sensing. 2000. Vol. 38. No. 6. P. 2,584-2,597.
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