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The effect of vegetation on surface temperature: A statistical analysis of NDVI and climate data

Kaufmann R.K., Zhou L., Myneni R.B., Tucker C.J., Slayback D., Shabanov N.V., Pinzon J.

// Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2003GL018251, 2003. Vol. 30. No 22. 2147. P. 1-3.

e use statistical techniques to quantify the effect of interannual variations in vegetation within land covers on surface temperature in North America and Eurasia from satellite measures of surface greenness and ground based meteorological  observations. During the winter, reductions in the extent of snow cover cause (in a statistical sense) temperature to rise. During the summer, increases in terrestrial vegetation within land covers cause (in a statistical sense) temperature to fall.  Temperature-induced increases in vegetation have slowed increases in surface temperature, but this feedback may be limited by the range over which temperature has a positive effect on vegetation. INDEX TERMS : 1610 Global Change: Atmosphere (0315, 0325); 1615 Global Change: Biogeochemical processes (4805); 1620 Global Change: Climate dynamics (3309); 1640 Global Change: Remote sensing. Citation: Kaufmann,  R.  K.,  L.  Zhou,  R.  B.  Myneni, C.  J.  Tucker,  D.  Slayback,  N.  V.  Shabanov, and  J.  Pinzon,  The
effect of vegetation on surface temperature: A statistical analysis of  NDVI  and  climate  data

Ссылка на текст: files/publications/schabanov/kaufmann04.pdf