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International Cooperation in the Research and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes (on the 55th Anniversary of the Intercosmos Program)

Vedeshin L.A.

// Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2023. Vol. 59. No. 9. P. 1249–1254.

Studies of large-scale space processes and phenomena require the scientific efforts of many countries and the use of expensive technical resources, the development and manufacture of which requires intergovernmental cooperation. These are just some of the things that lead to the need for cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space. From the very beginning of the space age, the Soviet Union offered the international community all kinds of cooperation, and, after its collapse in 1991, Russia, as its legal successor, assumed obligations to implement previously planned international projects under the Intercosmos program and continued cooperation with national space organizations in the United States, Europe, India, China, Japan, etc., on the basis of bilateral intergovernmental agreements.


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