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A Study of the Dependence of the Degree of Forest Damage by Fires on the Intensity of Burning According to Satellite-Monitoring Data

Loupian E.A., Lozin D.V., Balashov I.V., Bartalev S.A., Stytsenko F.V.

// Cosmic Research, 2023. Vol. 60. Suppl. 1. P. S46–S56.

This study is devoted to the research of the dependence of the degree of forest damage by fires on the characteristics of the intensity of their burning according to satellite monitoring data by the MODIS system. As a measure of fire intensity, the study uses the fire radiation power (FRP), normalized to the area of the observation element (FRPS). The study proposes an approach that allows us to construct dependences of the degree of forest damage on FRPS values. The approach was developed based on a comparison of FRPS information obtained using MODIS instrument data and information from a postfire assessment of the degree of forest damage. An analysis was performed of the data accumulated at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences throughout Russia for the period from 2006 to 2021. This made it possible to analyze a significant number of regions (more than 10 million pixels), in which there is information on FRPS and the degree of forest damage. At the same time, data on the time (season), in which the fire was active, and the prevailing type of forest cover were also analyzed for each region. The availability of this information and representative statistics made it possible to obtain estimates of the probability of forest death from the intensity of burning, taking into account the type of forest cover and the duration of the fire. The study presents the obtained dependences and a brief analysis of their features. Based on the use of the obtained dependences, a new method for the rapid assessment of the area of pyrogenic forest death is proposed

Ссылка на текст: files/publications/loupian/loupian_cosr46.pdf