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Nonlinear convection in vertical channel

Руткевич П.Б., Руткевич П.П.

//, 2008.

In this work we describe a nonlinear convection in cylindrical channel. The nonlinear term introduces different stratification of the air, depending on the velocity direction.
It is assumed that the upward air drift creates unstable (moist) stratification, while downwards motion dries out the air and makes the temperature profile stable in the corresponding part of the column. Such a model describes the real observation data, typical for cyclones and intense vortices in atmosphere. The results show, that there exists a stationary vertical motion of the air, increasing with the unstable temperature gradient. The work was supported by the RFBR grant no. 6-05-64275-a.

Ссылка на презентацию: files/presentations/sotrudniki/2008-amst_final.pdf