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  1. Moiseev S.S., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Large-Scale Structures in a Convective Turbulence // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1142, 1987. 23 p.
  2. Loupian E.A., Pokrovskaya I.V., Shavva I.I., Sharkov E.A. Effect of Atmospheric Large-Scale Flows on Tropical Cyclogenesis // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1313., 1987. 29 p.
  3. Borisenko V.I., Zlatopolsky A.A., Muchnik I.B. Image Segmentation // Automation and Remote Control.. 1987. Vol. 48 № 10. Consultants Bureau. New York. P. 837-908.
  4. Zlatopolsky A.A. Program Complex LESSA of Linear Image Features Extraction and Analysis // Theseses of Conference on Image Processing and Distance Studies, 1987. P. 108-109.
  5. Baryshnikova Yu. S., Shukurov A.M. Oscillatory a1-dynamo: numerical investigation // Astronomische Nachrichten. 1987. V. 308. P. 89-100.
  6. Baryshnikova Yu. S., Ruzmaikin A.A., Sokoloff D.D., Shukurov A.M. Generation of Large-scale Magnetic Fields in Spiral Galaxies // Astronomy and Astrophysics. 1987. V. 177. P. 27-41.
  7. Baryshnikova Yu. S., Shukurov A.M. Oscillatory a2-Dynamo: Numerical Investigation // IKI RAN, Moscow, Pr-1074, 1986.
  8. Baryshnikova Yu. S., Ruzmaikin A.A., Sokoloff D.D., Shukurov A.M. Generation of Large-scale Magnetic Fields in Spiral Galaxies // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1152, 1986.
  9. Koronovsky N.V., Ivanchenko G.N., Zlatopolsky A.A. Structural Analysis of the Eastern Pre-Caucasian Region: Computer-Aided Interpretation of Space Imagery // Earth Research from Space. 1986. № 1. P. 111-118.
  10. Krasheninnikova Yu. S., Loupian E.A. Registration, Visualization and Organization of Data Processing of Multichanel Information,Obtained with CAMAC (Complex of Programs) // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1117., 1986. 14 p.
  11. Gribov B.E., Loupian E.A. Set of Program for Data Processing at BESM-6 Computer, Befor Vizualization at SVIT Vizualization System The Programs are Realized at Besm-6 Computer // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1089., 1986. 16 p.
  12. Loupian E.A., Sharkov E.A. Figures of Merit for Rough Sea Surface Reflectances from Optical Images // Earth Research from Space. 1986. № 2. P. 68-76.
  13. Grushin V.A., Ilyin Yu. V., Lazarev A.A., Loupian E.A., Malinnikov V.A., Pokrovskaya I.V., Skachkov V.A., Suslov A.I., Stulov A.A., Sharkov E.A. Concurent Optical and Contact Studies of the Directional Spectra of Wind-generated Waves // Earth Research from Space. 1986. № 2. P. 57-67.
  14. Beresin J.A., Levina G.V., Moiseev S.S., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Large-scale Vortexes Appearance in Convective Turbulence // The Summary of Reports of VI All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Taschkent, 1986. P. 100.
  15. Beresin J.A., Zhukov V.P., Levina G.V., Moiseev S.S., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V. Convection, helicity and generation of the large-scale vortical structures // Materials of the International School-seminar “Mathematical Models, Analytical and Numerical Methods in Transport Theory” Part 2. Minsk, 1986. P. 9-11.
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