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  1. Loupian E.A., Rutkevich P.B. The Role of Convection in Climatic Temperture Profile Formation in the Atmosphere of a Planet // Annales Geophysicae. Supplement II to Vol.12. Ocean. Atmosphere. Hydrology and Nonlinear Geophysics. Springer International, 1994. P. 381.
  2. Heirtzler J.R., Loupian E.A., Natenzon M., Tarnopolsky V., Shkarin V., Shirokov P. First Almaz Images of East African Rift // Fail Meeting 1993. American Geophysical Union. EOS. October, 1993. 26.
  3. Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Rutkevich P.B. Scenario of Large Scale Vortex Structures in the Atmosphere // Reports of Academy of Sciences, 1993. 329. № 6. P. 720-722.
  4. Dolgopolov B. Ya., Zakharov M.Y., Loupian E.A. Software for Multiband Satellite Images Segmentation and Classification // Earth Research from Space. 1993. № 6. P. 49-57.
  5. Zakharov M.Y., Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Nartov I. Yu. Geografical Referensing of AVHRR Data for Regional Monitoring // Earth Research from Space. 1993. № 5. P. 27-32.
  6. Zakharov M.Y., Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A. Program for NOAA AVHRR Data Processing Using Personal Computers // Earth Research from Space. 1993. № 4. P. 62-68.
  7. Zakharov M.Y., Loupian E.A. File Format for the NOAA Data to Solve Local Problems // Earth Research from Space. 1993. № 3. P. 66-70.
  8. Zakharov M.Y., Loupian E.A. Structure of the Data Processing Procedure for a Personal Station Intended for the HRPT Data Acquisition from the NOAA Satellites // Earth Research from Space. 1993. № 1. P. 36-39.
  9. Rutkevich P.B. Equation of the Large-scale Vortical Instability Caused by Convective Turbulence and Coriolis Force. // Journal of Teoretical and Experimental Physics. 1993. Т. 104. Вып. 6(12). P. 4010-4020.
  10. Rutkevich P.B. Equation for a Large-Scale Instability on the Backgraund of Convective Turbulence // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1861, 1993. 18 p.
  11. Savin I.Yu. Formation of Reflectance Properties of Tilled Chernozemic Soil Surface Optical Monitoring of the Environment. CIS (selected papers). SPIE. US, 1993. № 2107. P. 304-313.
  12. Kuznetsova I.V., Savin I.Yu., Silakov S.N., Konovalov S.N. Comparative Assessment and Ways for Optimizing Agrophysical Properties of Chernozems in Different Soilscapes // Soil Science. 1993. № 4. P. 40-52.
  13. Savin I.Yu. Границы почвенно-картографических выделов и информативность карт // В сборнике:Современные проблемы географии и картографии почв. М., 1992. P. 113-114.
  14. Zlatopolsky A.A. Program LESSA (Lineament Extraction and Stripe Statistical Analysis) // Automated linear image features analysis - experimental results: Computers & Geosciences. 1992. Vol.18. P. 1121-1126.
  15. Bukchin M.A., Gershenson V.E., Zakharov M.Y., Loupian E.A., Plyusnin I.A. Possibility of Development and Prospects for Application of Inexpensive Ground Receiving Stations for the NOAA Satellites (HRPT MODE) // Earth Research from Space. 1992. № 6. P. 85-90.
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