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  1. Rutkevich P.B. Equation for a Large-Scale Instability on the Backgraund of Convective Turbulence // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-1861, 1993. 18 p.
  2. Savin I.Yu. Formation of Reflectance Properties of Tilled Chernozemic Soil Surface Optical Monitoring of the Environment. CIS (selected papers). SPIE. US, 1993. № 2107. P. 304-313.
  3. Kuznetsova I.V., Savin I.Yu., Silakov S.N., Konovalov S.N. Comparative Assessment and Ways for Optimizing Agrophysical Properties of Chernozems in Different Soilscapes // Soil Science. 1993. № 4. P. 40-52.
  4. Savin I.Yu. Границы почвенно-картографических выделов и информативность карт // В сборнике:Современные проблемы географии и картографии почв. М., 1992. P. 113-114.
  5. Zlatopolsky A.A. Program LESSA (Lineament Extraction and Stripe Statistical Analysis) // Automated linear image features analysis - experimental results: Computers & Geosciences. 1992. Vol.18. P. 1121-1126.
  6. Bukchin M.A., Gershenson V.E., Zakharov M.Y., Loupian E.A., Plyusnin I.A. Possibility of Development and Prospects for Application of Inexpensive Ground Receiving Stations for the NOAA Satellites (HRPT MODE) // Earth Research from Space. 1992. № 6. P. 85-90.
  7. Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V., Yanovsky V.V. Large-scale Vortex Instability in Rotating Medium with Helical Turbulent Convection // Annales Geo-physicae. Suppl. II to vol. 10. Ocean. Atmosphere. Hydro-logy & Nonline-ar Geophysics. Springer Inter-national, 1992.
  8. Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A. Quick Algorithm of Arbitrary Geometric Image Transformation // Earth Research from Space. 1992. № 5. P. 38-43.
  9. Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Rutkevich P.B., Tur A.V. Large-scale Vortex Generation under the Spiral Turbulence of Convective Nature // Journal of Teoretical and Experimental Physics. 1992. 102. № 5. P. 1540-1552.
  10. Chyorny I.V., Gerbek E.E., Lazarev A.A., Levina G.V., Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Rutkevich P.B., Sagdeev R.Z., Tunegolovets V.P., Tur A.V., Veselov V.M., Zabyshny A.I., Zimin V.D. Experimental Studies of Large-Scale Structure Origination in Tropical Atmosphere (Expedition Typhoon-89) // Proc. Intern. Symp. On Generation of Large-Scale Structures in Continuous Media. Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures. Word Scientific. Singapore, 1991. P. 327-337.
  11. Zlatopolsky A.A. Orientation Texture Features of Aero and Space Images // Digital Processing of Visual Information in Structural Geology and Seismotectonic Studies. VSEGEI (All-Union Scientific-research Geological Institute). Leningrad, 1991. P. 4-31.
  12. Loupian E.A. Some Peculiarities of Deve-Loping Wind Wave Specra // Annales Geo-physicae. XV General Assem-bly. Copengha-gen. 23-27 April 1990. (Special Issue), 1990. P. 197.
  13. Gershenson V.E., Loupian E.A. Instability of Surface Waves on Inhomogeneous Shear Flow // Annales Geo-physicae. XV General Assem-bly. Copengha-gen. 23-27 April 1990. (Special Issue), 1990. P. 201.
  14. Rutkevich B.P., Rutkevich P.B. Nonlinear Stage of Beam Instability with no Captured Electrons // Journal of Technological Physics. 1990. Т. 60. Вып. 11. P. 47-56.
  15. Rutkevich B.P., Rutkevich P.B. Modulation Instability of Volume Charge Waves in a Thin Plasma Layer // Radiophysics and Electronics. 1990. Т. 35. № 3. P. 593-599.
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