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  1. Savin I.Yu. Computer Inventory of the Soil Cover // Soil Science. 1999. № 7. P. 899-904.
  2. Stolbovoi V.S., Savin I.Yu., Sheremet B.V., Sizov V.V., Ovechkin S.V. The Geoinformation System on Soil Degradation in Russia // Soil Science. 1999. № 5. P. 646-651.
  3. Janetos E.S., Schugart H., Orlik B., Murphy T., Kasischke E., French N., Stone T., Isaev A.S., Sukhikh V.I., Zhirin V.M., Bartalev S.A., Ershov D.V., Shatalov A.V., Gurskiy M.N., Pismenniy A.N., Ziemelis T.A., Ivanov S.V. Study of Boreal Forest Characterization of Russia and USA (Alaska) from National Security Space Data // Earth Research from Space. 1999. № 6. P. 10-12.
  4. Stolbovoy V., Fischer G., Savin I.Yu., Scheremet B. The IIASA-LUC Project Georeferenced Database of Russia. Volume 1 and 2: Soil and Terrain Digital Database (SOTER) IIASA Interim Report IR-98-113, 1998. P. 37.
  5. Savin I.Yu. Application of WOFOST Crop Growth Simulation Model for Analysis of Potential Productivity of Russian Lands // Proc. World Congress of ISSS, 1998. Vol. 2. P. 655.
  6. Savin I.Yu. SOTER Activity in Ruissia // SOTER Newsletter, 1998. № 11. P. 6-7.
  7. Simakova M.S., Savin I.Yu. Use of Aerial- and Space-Survey Images of the Earth's Surface in Mapping Soils of Russia: State-of-the-art Prospects and Objectives // Soil Science. 1998. P. 1339-1347.
  8. Janetos A.С., Isaev A.S., Sukhihk V., Zhirin V., Bartalev S.A., Ershov D.V., Shatalov A., Gurskiy M., Pismenniy A., Ziemelis T., Shugart H.H., Orlick B.E., Murphy T.L., Kasischke E.S., French N.H., Stone T. Boreal Forest Characterization and Sustainability Study // Report on Phase I and II Results. U.S. Russian Joint Comm. on Econ. & Tech. Cooperation Environ. WG., 1998. 13 p.
  9. Rutkevich P.B. Hydrodynamic Motions of Saturated Air in Terms of Equilibrium Thermodynamics // Electromagnetic phenomena. 1998. Vol.1. № 4. P. 538-544.
  10. Rutkevich P.B. Moist Convection Problem in Equilibrium Formulation // Friedman lectures. All-Union Conference. Perm, 1998.
  11. Rutkevich P.B. An Equilibrium Problem of Moist Convection // Friedman Lectures. All-USSR Conference. 3-7 September., 1998.
  12. Rutkevich P.B. An Equilibrium Problem of Convection in Saturated Moist Air // Nonlinear Problems of the Theory of Hydrodynamic Stability and Turbulence. International Conference. Moscow. 15-22 February, 1998.
  13. Rutkevich P.B. Numerical Investigation of Helical Convection // Nonlinear Problems of the Theory of Hydrodynamic Stability and Turbulence. International Conference. Moscow.15-22 February, 1998.
  14. Levina G.V., Moiseev S.S. Energy of Large-scale Helical Convection // Developments in Geophysical Turbulence. National Center of Atmospheric Research. Boulder. Colorado. June 16-19, 1998.
  15. Rutkevich P.B. On the Atmosphere Reaction on the Local Changes of the Earth Mantle. // Hydrodynamics. Collected Scientific Articles. Perm. Izd. PGU., 1998. Вып. 11. P. 241-248.
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