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  1. Genovese G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Bulletin Situation at the End of May 2002. JRC. Italy, 2002. Vol. 10. No. 3. 12 p.
  2. Genovese G., Royer A., Orlandi S., Aspinall C., Savin I.Yu., Martin S. MARS Bulletin Situation at the End of January 2002. JRC. Italy, 2002. Vol.10. № 1. 10 p.
  3. Genovese G., Royer A., Orlandi S., Aspinall C., Savin I.Yu., Baruth B. MARS Bulletin Situation beginning of April 2002. JRC. Italy, 2002. Vol. 10. No. 2. 10 p.
  4. Rutkevich P.B. Convective and Rotational Instability in Moist Air // Physica A, 2002. Vol. 315/1-2. P. 215-221.
  5. Rutkevich P.B., Rutkevich P.P., Rosumenko L.S. On the Tornado Funnel Origin // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-2074., 2002. 14 p.
  6. Rutkevich P.B. Methods of the Description of Large-scale Atmospheric Whirlwinds of Type of a Tropical Cyclone // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-2073, 2002. 62 p.
  7. Rutkevich P.B. Tropical Cyclones and Helical Turbulence Field // Proceedings of Anniversary All-Russia Scientific Conference on «Fundamental Researches of Interaction of Land, Ocean and Atmosphere», 30 October - 1 November 2002. Moscow, 2002. P. 96-97.
  8. Rutkevich P.B. On Some Features of Atmosphere Convecton. // “Symmetry and Cosymmetry Application in Bifurcation Theory and Phase Transitions”. SCDS II International School-seminar. 27 August - 2 September 2002 г. Sochi. Lasarevskoe. Russia. (collected articles), 2002. P. 130-133.
  9. Rutkevich P.B., Rutkevich P.P., Rosumenko L.S. On a Possible Mechanism of a Tornado Funnel Origin // “Symmetry and Cosymmetry Application in Bifurcation Theory and Phase Transitions”. SCDS II International School-seminar. 27 August - 2 September 2002 г. Sochi. Lasarevskoe. Russia. (collected articles), 2002. P. 125-129.
  10. Rutkevich P.B., Rutkevich P.P. On Peculiarities of the Atmospere Convection // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-2063., 2002. 12 p.
  11. Pokrovskaya I.V., Rutkevich P.B., Sharkov E.A. Dinamical Fields Data Base and Algoritmical Approaches to the Problem of Turbulence Study in the Tropical Atmosphere // IKI RAN, Moscow, Priprint Pr- 2048., 2002. 43 p.
  12. Bartalev S.A., Belward A. Land Cover and Phenological Monitoring in Boreal Ecosystems Using the SPOT - VEGETATION Instrument: New Observations for Climate Studies // Use of Earth Observation Data for Phenological Monitoring Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 2002. P. 41-48.
  13. Isaev A.S., Korovin G.N., Bartalev S.A., Ershov D.V., Janetos A.С., Kasischke E.S., Shugart H.H., French N.H., Orlick B.E., Murphy T.L. Using Remote Sensing to Assess Russian Forest Fire Carbon Emissions // Climate Change - 55 (1-2). 2002. P. 235-249.
  14. Bartholome E., Belward A., Achard F., Bartalev S.A., Carmona-Moreno C., Eva H., Grégoire J-M., Mayaux, P., Stibig H-J GLC 2000 - Global Land Cover Mapping for the Year 2000 // European Commission, JRC. - EUR 20524 EN, 2002. P. 55.
  15. Bartalev S.A., Belward A., Ershov D.V., Isaev A.S. Land Cover Database for Forest and Land Management in Northern Eurasia // Abstract in IBFRA Conference Boreal Forests and Environment: Local, Regional and Global Scales. - Krasnoyarsk, Sukachev Forest Institute, 2002. P. 124.
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