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  1. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Agro-meteorological Monitoring in Russia and Central Asian Countries: MARS-FOOD Approach // “Agro-meteorological Monitoring in Russia and Central Asian Countries”, 2006. P. 5-21.
  2. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Agro-meteorological Monitoring in Russia and Central Asian Countries OPOCE EUR 22210EN. Ispra (Italy)., 2006. 214 p.
  3. Stathakis D., Savin I.Yu., Nègre Т. Neuro-fuzzy Modeling for Crop Yield Prediction // in the Proc. Of ISPRS Mid-term Symposium 2006 "Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Proc-esses" Enschede. the Netherlands. 8-11 May., 2006.
  4. Taimazova N.S., Zagirov N.G., Savin I.Yu., Kerimkhanova R.N. Потепление климата - ухудшение и улучшение условий произрастания садовых растений в Республике Дагестан // Юбилейный сборник научных трудов ДГСХА, посвященной 80-летию президента ДГСХА, члена-корреспондента РАСХН, заслуженного деятеля науки РСФСР и РД, доктора ветеринарных наук, профессора М.М. Джамбулатова. Махачкала., 2006.
  5. Groisman P., Bartalev S.A. A New Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI): Science Plan of Integrated Approach to Regional Climate and Environment Change Studies // Global and Planetary Change. 2006. Vol./Issue: 56/3-4. P. 215-234.
  6. Bartalev S.A. TerraNorte: A New Boreal Ecosystems Monitoring Data Access Facility // Land Cover and Change. Newsletter of the GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Project Office. 2006. № 9 February. P. 5-6.
  7. Uvarov I.A. The TerraNorte Information System // Symposium "Environmental Change in Siberia - Insights from Earth Observation and Modelling", 18-20 September 2006, University of Leicester, UK, 2006.
  8. Burtsev M.A., Efremov V. Yu., Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Pakhomov L.A., Proshin A.A., Savorsky V.P., Flitman E.V. Automated System for Construction of Standardized Products at SC OEM // 4th All-Russia Open Conference “Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space”, Moscow, 13 – 17 November , Abstracts, 2006. P. 55.
  9. Galeev A.A., Ershov D.V., Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Flitman E.V. Analysis of Possibility to Select Regional Adaptive Thresholds in MOD14 Algorithm // 4th All-Russia Open Conference “Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space”, Moscow, 13 – 17 November 2006, Abstrаcts, 2006. P. 18.
  10. Akatkin Yu. M., Bartalev S.A., Melnik N.N., Loupian E.A., Neyshtadt I.A., Lyapinkov D.V., Stolpakov A.V., Temnikov V.N., Tolpin V.A., Flitman E.V. Experience of Use and Development Perspectives for the Cropland Satellite Monitoring System of Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation // 4th All-Russia Open Conference “Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space”, Moscow, 13 – 17 November, 2006. P. 3.
  11. Asmus V.V., Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Milexin O.E., Proshin A.A., Flitman E.V. Opportunities and Technologies for Effiicient Use of Satellite Information in Regional Monitoring Systems // 4th All-Russia Open Conference “Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space”, Moscow, 13 – 17 November, 2006. P. 1.
  12. Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Nazipov R.R., Proshin A.A., Flitman E.V. A Technology for Construction of Automated Information Systems for Satellite Data Collection, Processing and Storage for Scientific and Application Tasks // Aerosols of Siberia, ed. by K.P.Kutsenogy, Novosibirsk, Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch), 2006. P. 458-470.
  13. Bartalev S.A., Loupian E.A., Neyshtadt I.A. Method of croplands detection with satellite remote sensing data // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2006. Vol. 3. Issue. II. P. 271-280.
  14. Galeev A.A., Ershov D.V., Efremov V. Yu., Krasheninnikova Yu. S., Kotelnikov R.V., Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Proshin A.A., Flitman E.V. System for Operative Remote User Access to Information Resources of Wildfire Remote Monitoring System // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space, 2006. Issue 3, Vol.1. P. 351-358.
  15. Galeev A.A., Ershov D.V., Kotelnikov R.V., Loupian E.A., Mazurov A.A., Proshin A.A., Flitman E.V. Automated System for Operative Active Fire Reporting Based on Satellite Data // "Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space: Physics, Methods and Technologies for Monitoring of Environment and Hazardous Phenomena and Objects". (Collected Scientific Articles), Moscow, Azbuka-2000, 2006. Issue 3, Vol.1. P. 359-365.
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