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  1. Genovese G., Baruth B., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Report Situation 1 July to 10 September 2006. JRC. Italy, 2006. Vol. 14. №. 05.
  2. Genovese G., Baruth B., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Report Review of the 2005-2006 Campaign from the 10 January to 31 March 2006. JRC. Italy, 2006. Vol. 14. №. 02.
  3. Genovese G., Baruth B., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Reports Situation: 1 November 2005-10 January 2006 JRC. Italy., 2006. Vol. 14. № 1.
  4. Genovese G., Baruth B., Bettio М., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Reports Situation 1 April to 10 May 2006. JRC. Italy, 2006. Vol. 14. № 3.
  5. Genovese G., Baruth B., Bettio М., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Report Review of the 2005-2006 Campaign and Situation on 1 September to 10 November 2006. JRC. Italy., 2006. Vol. 14. № 06.
  6. Genovese G., Baruth B., Bettio М., Confalonieri R., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Agricultural Report Situation: 10 May to 30 June 2006. JRC. Italy, 2006. Vol. 14. № 4.
  7. Zavolgensky M.V., Rutkevich P.B. Oscillating phase of the tornado funnel // IKI RAN, Moscow, Preprint Pr-2116, 2006. 28 p.
  8. Zavolgensky M.V., Rutkevich P.B. Large Reynolds Numbers: Countour Flow // IKI RAN. Moscow.Preprint Pr-2117, 2006. 59 p.
  9. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Crop Monitoring for Food Security. Russia and Central Asian Countries. Situation at the End of October 2005. Agro-meteorological Overview for September-October 2005 JRC. Italy, 2006. Bulletin № 5.
  10. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Agro-meteorological Monitoring in Russia and Central Asian Countries: MARS-FOOD Approach // “Agro-meteorological Monitoring in Russia and Central Asian Countries”, 2006. P. 5-21.
  11. Nègre Т., Savin I.Yu. Agro-meteorological Monitoring in Russia and Central Asian Countries OPOCE EUR 22210EN. Ispra (Italy)., 2006. 214 p.
  12. Stathakis D., Savin I.Yu., Nègre Т. Neuro-fuzzy Modeling for Crop Yield Prediction // in the Proc. Of ISPRS Mid-term Symposium 2006 "Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Proc-esses" Enschede. the Netherlands. 8-11 May., 2006.
  13. Taimazova N.S., Zagirov N.G., Savin I.Yu., Kerimkhanova R.N. Потепление климата - ухудшение и улучшение условий произрастания садовых растений в Республике Дагестан // Юбилейный сборник научных трудов ДГСХА, посвященной 80-летию президента ДГСХА, члена-корреспондента РАСХН, заслуженного деятеля науки РСФСР и РД, доктора ветеринарных наук, профессора М.М. Джамбулатова. Махачкала., 2006.
  14. Groisman P., Bartalev S.A. A New Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI): Science Plan of Integrated Approach to Regional Climate and Environment Change Studies // Global and Planetary Change. 2006. Vol./Issue: 56/3-4. P. 215-234.
  15. Bartalev S.A. TerraNorte: A New Boreal Ecosystems Monitoring Data Access Facility // Land Cover and Change. Newsletter of the GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Project Office. 2006. № 9 February. P. 5-6.
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