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  1. Garrigues S., Lacaze R., Baret F., Morisette J.T., Weiss M., Nickeson J., Fernandes R., Plummer S., Shabanov N.V., Myneni R.B., Yang W. Validation and Intercomparison of Global Leaf Area Index Products Derived from Remote Sensing Data // Journal of Geophysical Research. doi:10.1029/2007JG000635. 2008. Vol. 113. G02028. P. 1-20.
  2. Garrigues S., Shabanov N.V., Swanson K., Morisette J.T., Myneni R.B. Intercomparison and Sensitivity Analysis of Leaf Area Index Retrievals from LAI_2000, AccuPAR, and Digital Hemispherical Photography over Croplands // Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2008. Vol. 148. P. 1193-1209.
  3. Zavolgensky M.V., Rutkevich P.B. Turbulent Wind Waves on the Water Current // 'Adv. Geosci (ADGEO). 2008. 15. P. 35-45.
  4. Bartalev S.A. Vegetation Mapping and Disturbances Assessment in Boreal Zone Using Time-Series of Moderate-Resolution Remote Sensing Data // Circumboreal Vegetation Mapping Workshop CBVM. Helsinki. November 3-6., 2008. P. 84.
  5. Balzter, H., Gerard, B., Weedon G., Grey W., Combal B., Bartholome E., Bartalev S.A., Los S. Changes of the Arctic Oscillation, Vegetation Phenology and Forest Fires in Siberia // Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-01230, 2008 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-01230, 2008.
  6. Balzter, H., Gerard, B., Weedon G., Grey W., Los S., Combal B., Bartholome E., Bartalev S.A. Climate, Vegetation Phenology and Forest Fires in Siberia // International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). art. no. 4423682., 2008. P. 3843-3846.
  7. Kussul N.N., Loupian E.A., Shelestov A. Ju., Skakun S.V., Savorsky V.P., Tishchenko Y. Neuralnet Method of Flooded Territories Monitoring with Using of Radar Space Data // Earth Research from Space. 2008. № 4. P. 29-35.
  8. Baruth B., Biella Diaz-Caneja М., Confalonieri R., Conte C., Karsperska-Wolowicz W.M., Klisch A., Micale А., Narciso G., Nisini Scacchiafichi L., Savin I.Yu. MARS Bulletin JRC. Italy, 2008. Vol. 16. No. 6.
  9. Savin I.Yu., Stathakis D. Crop Yield Loss Estimation Based on Precipitation Runoff // IPSC Exploratory Research Projects 2008 (ed. B.Mortara) OPOCE. Luxemburg, 2008.
  10. Confalonieri R., Rosenmund A., Conte C., Baruth B., Savin I.Yu., Nisini Scacchiafichi L., Fanchini D., Bianchi P., Klisch A. China Rice Bulletin Background Document JRC. Italy, 2008.
  11. Confalonieri R., Rosenmund A., Conte C., Baruth B., Savin I.Yu., Nisini Scacchiafichi L., Klisch A., Fanchini D., Bianchi P. First MARS Rice Bulletin for China JRC. Italy, 2008.
  12. Baruth B., Biella Diaz-Caneja М., Confalonieri R., Conte C., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Bulletin JRC. Italy, 2008. Vol 16 No 2.
  13. Baruth B., Biella Diaz-Caneja М., Confalonieri R., Conte C., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Nisini Scacchiafichi L., Rosenmund A., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Bulletin JRC. Italy, 2008. Vol 16 No 4.
  14. Baruth B., Biella Diaz-Caneja М., Confalonieri R., Conte C., Karsperska-Wolowicz W.M., Micale А., Narciso G., Nisini Scacchiafichi L., Savin I.Yu. MARS Bulletin JRC. Italy, 2008. Vol 16 No 5.
  15. Baruth B., Biella Diaz-Caneja М., Confalonieri R., Conte C., Lazar С., Micale А., Narciso G., Royer A., Savin I.Yu. MARS Bulletin JRC. Italy, 2008. Vol 16 No 1.
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